
Sure There's An Ideal Blog Post Length, Well, Sort Of

 Writing a blog can be frustrating if you don't know where to stop. Some would tell you to stop when you run out of either energy or something to say. However, you have heard you are supposed to write long blog posts, so you panic because you do not think what you have written is long enough. So, where do you stop? It really is all about the message and not the particular length! Many people have asked me how long their blog posts should be, so here are a few guidelines that may make it easier to process length of post problems and explain why there is not a definite answer to the question, "How long should my blog post be?" A Short Post First of all, it doesn't always have to be long. Some will say that a post should be at least 500 words long because you want the reader to think that he or she is getting something for their time. While this is good advice, remember the most important issue - valuable content. What if you just have a short update that you want to pos...

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